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Kamus Mandarin

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Don't get lost when translating from Kamus to Mandarin Chinese

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Kamus Mandarin is a user-friendly dictionary application that serves as a vital tool for anyone keen on mastering Mandarin Chinese. The app offers a comprehensive Mandarin-Indonesian and Indonesian-Mandarin translation service. It comes enriched with thousands of daily use vocabulary words designed to facilitate language learning.

The no-frills, intuitively designed interface allows for effortless toggling between Mandarin-Indonesian and Indonesian-Mandarin search modes, catering to specific learning needs at any given moment. One of its standout features is the "Latihan Kata" (Word Exercise), engineered to enhance vocabulary knowledge and pronunciation skills in Mandarin.

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An added advantage is that this platform operates entirely offline, eliminating the need for an internet connection while also being energy efficient. The entire service is freely accessible, allowing users to utilize all features without incurring any costs.

With the dictionary program, familiarizing yourself with the Mandarin language becomes a more practical and accessible endeavor. It is an essential download for students, professionals, or casual learners seeking a reliable Mandarin language resource.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 4.4 or higher required

Information about Kamus Mandarin 6

Package Name pack.lateriaguna.kamusmandarin
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Education & Languages
Language English
72 more
Author LateriaGuna
Downloads 2,041
Date Jun 8, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

apk 2.1.0 Android + 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2 May 19, 2022
apk 1.0.1 Android + 1.6 Apr 10, 2015

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